Funeral Directors and Memorials

East Port, Melrose, Scottish Borders, TD6 9EE

24-hr attention:

01896 822632 |


1938 - 2025


Esther (nee Paterson)



Peacefully at the Margaret Kerr Unit on 26th January 2025, after a short illness. Esther, aged 86 years, dearly beloved wife of the late John, loving mother of Michael, Malcolm, Cameron and Callum, a dear mother-in-law, proud and loving grandmother and friend to many. Funeral service at Melrose Parish Church on Wednesday 26th February at 11.30am followed by interment in Wairds Cemetery at 1.00pm to which all friends are respectfully invited. Bright colours of clothing welcome, family flowers only please but donations if desired will be received on retiring from the service for the Margaret Kerr Unit and The George Crawford Legacy Trust.


Due to an unforseen issue with Wi-Fi in the Melrose area at the time of the service being held the livestream was unsuccesful. The service can be reviewed at the following link

May we apologise for any upset this has caused.


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